Sunday, August 02, 2009

The New Undertaking

I was thinking that I might like to keep a journal, ya know, as my everyday life unfolds. It may not be interesting to many, but some people seem to think my life is exciting. Well, all I can say is we shall see.

I have a digital voice recorder. I think I'll try to take a break every couple of hours from poker to update the happenings on the recorder. It should be relatively simple to put it all in print at some point. That last sentence sort of sounds like famous last words. What is relatively simple?

The good part is that I'll be conveying my thoughts, and more specifically, my feelings as my day rolls along. I will also be writing about my travels across the country. I'm hoping I'm able to provide some insight into the exciting and wondrous world of real, live, professional poker. Can you feel the sarcasm here? It's not all that exciting, but it is rather unique. Which reminds me of the new waitress at the poker room. Her name is Lakien. Yesterday I told her that she had a uniquien name. Yes uniquien, like Lakien, pronounced lakeean. Yooneekeean. Get it? Shut it.

I hope it's an interesting read. At least more interesting than my post-apocalyptic view of two stoners realizing their world has been torn upside down. I had kind of a Jack Black meets Will Ferrel feel for that idea. hmmmm. Maybe later. Probably not.

You'll get to feel every bad beat, every suck out, every close encounter, and every night in jail. God, let's hope there are no nights in jail. I've been down that road before, it is not a good time. I suspect they purposely try to make it an experience you will never forget, that first night in jail. I'll never forget the guy two cells down who kept yelling "I'm hungry, hungry, hungry!!!" at the top of his lungs. I'm not sure why the jailers didn't just bring him some food the first time he requested it. I suspect it might be because we were in jail. They're funny like that.

Who knows? It's possible that by the end of this experiment I may actually have accomplished something. Ya know, the more I think about this the more I realize this is going to be a lot of work. That means that I have to really do this once I post this latest blog.



I've thought about it for the last twenty minutes. I still want to do it. I'm hoping it will help me discover some things about myself. Ya know, some unexplored regions of my psyche that, once uncovered, help me to be someone better than I am today.

What if I strike it rich, and I hit a home run and win some big, overexposed television tournament? Wouldn't that be a trip? Oh well, ya gotta have dreams.

What are my dreams? I bet everyone thinks about what they want to accomplish in life. But, what do I want to accomplish in the next year or so? Well, I think I want to still be playing poker. Therefore, I'd better win enough to continue to pay bills. Kids gotta eat and all of that. I want to play more on the internet, although it has become an unfamiliar game, internet poker. I will probably not play too much internet poker. But playing more than I currently do cannot hurt too much. I want to take my game and match it against some of the players in the higher cash games found in AC, LV, and LA.

If that goes well, then we should be rolling along for next June and the World Series of Poker in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada. There is no way I'm missing it again. If I miss the Series next year then it will be because I have joined either the work force or the peace corps (to avoid debt collectors).

So, this grand experiment will begin on August 3rd, 2009. I hope anyone reading this would offer a little prayer and please help me to gain some positive energy for this undertaking. Please let it go well, please let it go well, please let it go well. If it goes poorly I will be eating a lot of crow and feeling like a jagoff. That wouldn't be the first time.

Catch you later.


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