Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9.24.09 Hump it!

This is sort of a work in progress...So far I like it.

Hump it! Call
Two cards, green felt
Clay chips, short stacks, deep stacks, no stacks
Dealer's hands, French manicures
Raise, call, check, bet

Hats, sunglasses
Music in your head
Tips, checks
Should have stayed in bed

Button raise, limp re-raise
Trapped real good
Gutshots, open ended
Tugs at his hood

Scared money, weakness
What is he trying to sell
Big bets, over the top
That might be a tell

Check-blind, bet
Someone will raise!
Look back now
It's all just a haze

Airball, again
Some things never change

Two cards, life renewed
Loudspeaker drivel
Bet, call, fold
My head's on a swivel

5/7 done
Bet, raise, reraise
I'd rather have a gun

Top pair, two pair,
Top and bottom, wait
Flopped it, turned it
Made the nut straight

One more to go

Sets, trips, full houses galore
Straight, Flush
Min raise, why no more?

Burn a card
Expose one too
Shuffle it back
Roll it over...

Come on nine
Come on nine
Come on nine...


Suck outs, dominated
No need to whine
Next hand, life renewed
This time, NO NINE


Ps. Five things I am thankful for:

1. Good weather
2. Tiger sweat
3. Rich people
4. Higher math
5. Free will

PPS. For those who read this poem, or whatever it might be called, and thought to themselves "Hey, what in the hell is he talking about?" well, we sort of speak out own language at the poker room. This is just a sampling of some of the verbiage you may hear on any given day.


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