Tuesday, June 08, 2010

So Sleepy

I'm tired.

I'm tired of complaining about the government. I'm tired of bitching about bad beats. I'm tired of my kids demanding THINGS. I'm tired of schoolteachers thinking more money will somehow allow them to teach better.

I'm tired of supposed objective journalists actually having a leftist agenda. I'm tired of oil.

I'm tired of listening to how much money is spent on a political race. I'm tired of no one listening to their constituents.

I'm tired of people being offended by words. I'm tired of the lack of leadership our leader actually shows.

I'm tired of talking about how a poker hand SHOULD have been played. I'm tired of second guessing. I'm tired of monopolies.

I'm tired of having to scratch my way through life. I'm tired of knowing that the amount of money I make today will not be enough come Jan 1st.

I'm tired of not being able to control my emotions without the aid of narcotics. I'm tired of being weak.

I'm tired of feeling powerless.

I'm tired of the hatred this country receives from people we try to help. I'm tired of those same people always wanting a hand-out.

I'm tired of the stupidity I witness. I'm tired of sticking my head in the sand, hoping it will all go away.

I'm tired of the heat in Florida this time of the year. I'm tired of my electric bill each month.

I'm tired hearing people believing they are entitled to things. I'm tired of no one wanting to give more than they receive.

I'm tired of the green movement. I'm tired the the Dept of Energy spending 30 billion dollars a year since 1977 and accomplishing almost nothing.

I'm tired of my poker room not carrying the golf channel. I'm tired of their tightness when they take 600k per month off the tables.

I'm tired of gas prices going up and down based on the speculation of investors. I'm tired of passing three police cars on my five mile drive to the poker room each day.

I'm tired of speed traps. I'm tired of the crime they do not prevent.

I'm tired the federal government thinking they know what is best for an individual state. I'm tired of Nancy Pelosi.

I'm tired of the belief that we can spend our way out of any problem. I'm tired of the government creating a new cabinet position every time a new crisis arises.

I'm tired of unemployment going down only because of the census takers that were hired. I'm tired of buying THINGS that are made outside of this country.

I'm tired of Illegal immigrants. I'm tired of the left not seeing this as a problem.

I'm tired of ponzii schemes. I'm tired of the rich making their buck and waiting for the next disaster for them to exploit.

I'm tired of Keith Olberman telling me that GW Bush is a criminal. I'm tired of Sestak being ignored.

I'm tired of Rachel Maddow being upset because she has breasts. I'm tired of the left painting the tea partiers as RADICAL when it is the left who blew things up back in the 70's.

I'm tired of being labeled a racist or uncaring because I don't believe this country can afford a national health care system right now. I'm tired of the handouts.

I'm tired of bailouts. I'm tired of "too big to fail".

I'm tired of increased taxes without decreased spending. I'm tired of Tony Hayward and his commercials.

I'm tired of our fear of nuclear power. I'm tired of giving billions to OPEC.

I'm tired of unwed mothers (who can't support the child). I'm tired of cradle to grave public assistance.

I'm tired of feeling like no one speaks for me in congress. I'm tired of elected leaders being led around by the nose by their political parties.

I'm tired of this blog entry. I think I'll take a nap.

Codsey out.


  1. Absolutely brilliant - one of the best blogs I've come across in a long long time. Whilst I don't agree with everything you've said, I still feel that there's a lot there that captures how people are feeling all over the US right now. Really wish more people would express their views in such moderate and sensible language. Really impressive.

  2. You speak for many of us, Eric.
    Your words are poetry.
    Thanks for writng them and sharing them.

  3. You DO share the thoughts of many, many people...so, it's time the many, many people get off their asses, and DEMAND change...MAKE it happen...MAKE a difference in YOUR community...YOU do it. No one is going to do it FOR you.

    People cannot just whine and whine and whine and whine and then say, "why isn't anything changing?!?!?!?"

