Friday, October 15, 2010

I Think They Mean Well

Hey everyone, or no one, whatever it may be. Norton here, your self appointed Emperor of these, The United States of America. Congress did not listen. I asked them, politely, to please return home so we could install a more people oriented government. Of course they would not go.

You know how they are. They believe the bills they pass and the policies they enact are for the good of the people. I hope no one has any more sinister ideas. So, if they are doing what they believe to be best, and we elected them, then why all the hub-bub, bub?

Well, it may be that a large number of people did not exactly realize the route that was going to be taken to make things better for all of us. The economy seemed to be working along like a mirage that seems to never get nearer. It was chugging feverishly while interest rates came down, and people spent like never before. George Bush was the new president, elected among "questionable" supreme court decisions. So many people felt like the election was stolen. Polarization was strong.

But, one September morning everything changed. Islamic radicals slammed two jets into the twin towers, and another into the pentagon. Except for the suicidal bravery of the passengers aboard a fifth, the White House may have been the final target.

Everyone wanted answers. Nearly all wanted action. We wanted revenge upon those who blatantly attacked and murdered our friends, wives, children, and relatives. These enemies of America were unlike others in the past. They kill the innocent. They kill Everyday Joe just trying to make a buck, feed his family and make his way on this planet.

We went to war. People cheered. I was at a Nascar race when it was announced we had begun bombing Al Queda in Afghanistan. I cheered.

We went to War in Iraq. Fewer cheered. Barrack voted against the Iraq war. The evidence suggested Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. It was accepted.

And so began our 9 year, two front war, costing thousands of American lives, thousands of Arabic lives, and billions and billions of dollars. The economy started to slag, a bit. The spending was slowing.

President Bush sent everyone a $600 check. It had the desired effect because people spent that money. Some used it to stay afloat, and some used it for recreation. Either way, it was spent, the economy gasped, put it's head down, and chugged onward.

Interest rates were lowered again, reaching record lows. People had to be encouraged to borrow and spend. The economy grabbed at it's chest, but continued onward. Always forward, always growing.

We found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We deposed, and eventually put to death one Sadam Hussein. His people rejoiced. Our reason for the war were unfounded, but we had done what needed to be done. Now, we had to rebuild Iraq. We had to let them vote, let them stand for themselves. We had to make them realize freedom is worth fighting for, and to be free meant struggle. The economic costs to the US increased.

The people began to become restless. How could you lie to us, Mr. President? How could you say there were weapons of mass destruction when clearly there were not? How can you spend this money on a war we did not want? How is it the Vice President shot a man while quail hunting? How is it someone threw a shoe at you? You have become a laughing stock on the late night shows Mr. President. We will find a replacement.

And we did. We elected a man who promised Hope and Change. Well, it had to be better than the last 8 years, right? George Bush was made out to be a bumbling fool who could no more make a dinner decision than a decision on the handling of the North Korean nuclear crisis.

We elected the first man of color as the President of the United States of America. A monumental occasion to say the least. At the time I was proud to be an American. While I did not agree with all of Obama's ideologies, I believe him to be a man of honor. Something else happened as well, however. Here is where things begin to get dicey.

Along with Mr. Obama, we also elected the Democrats to control of BOTH the House and the Senate. One step of the checks and balances set forth by our constitution had been derailed. The Presidents policies, as long as he had the backing of the members of congress in his own party, were unstoppable.

Before they got a chance to roll forward something else happened. The bottom fell out of the real estate market. Values of homes began to plummet. Record numbers of people were being foreclosed upon. We were entering into an economic epidemic that has not been seen since the 1930's.

The banks were in trouble. Fannie May and Freddie Mac were on the verge of bankruptcy. Our head economic czars explained to our outgoing and incoming Presidents that we had to save the banks. Both Presidents were explained the situation in detail, I would assume. Both agreed it must be done. TARP was passed, and another 780 billion went into the debt side of the ledger.

The stock market tumbled. People's retirement funds were drying up before their very eyes. They got out of the market, it continued to slide.

The banks were saved. The market leveled and began to climb. We had averted destruction, but were not out of the woods just yet.

The wars continued, the spending went on.

The economy faltered. It could not sustain the weight of it's own lust. People still could not pay their mortgages. No one was buying anything. We were scared. The automobile industry was in serious trouble. We took them under our wings. We, as a people, invested in their businesses. Congress passed Cash for Clunkers. The auto industry leveled. Crisis averted. We were still not yet out of the woods.

The economy did not pick up steam. Businesses were failing. Firings and layoffs were happening to the tune of 800,000 jobs per month. We need jobs!! was the cry of the masses.

Enter the stimulus. Another 800 billion was pumped into the economy. We were convinced by the promise of "shovel ready" projects only needing the funding to put people to work. Well, we've got the funding alright.

The economists in the president's ear said don't worry about deficit spending and the ever increasing debt. Eventually, it will be paid off, we are fine. This 800 billion dollars will save jobs and keep people spending.

Well, there has been some argument as to how many jobs were saved. Mr. Obama recently stated that there weren't any "shovel ready" projects, and in fact there is no such thing. Huh?

The people were becoming extremely restless. How can this spending continue? What future are we leaving to our children?

As though this were not all bad enough the democratic congress and executive branch were feverishly passing their laws and bills in an effort to make things better for all of us. They had a social agenda they were in the process of enacting. First up, Health care.

I can't even talk about it. My favorite quote from the "debates" about health care was Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house, stating "let's pass the bill first, and then we can find out what is in it." Maybe I'm paraphrasing, I don't know. I was floored.

They passed it. They told us it would save money in the long run. They told us the reforms were necessary and people need to be covered. The people grew more restless.

Most people do not understand how people already paying for health insurance coverage will somehow pay less if we add 20 million non payers to the system. The tea party was created.

Now, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this year. The top earners will pay an additional 10% in income taxes. This new number was used to help pay for the new Health care bill. If those tax cuts do not expire, then the revenue to pay for health care is not there.

The tea party went bonkers. They marched on Washington. It was brushed aside and the tea partiers were labeled as extremist and less than intelligent right wing radio listeners. Which brings us to where we are today.

The political races are fun. I have ever heard so many politicians side step the issues on peoples minds. How are you going to put Ray Ray to work so he is not sitting his ass on the sofa playing Call of Duty all day?

You have to ask yourself one basic question.

Do you believe the economy would be better off, that more people would be working, that more money would be moving around, if we tax the rich and have the government redistribute it to the lower classes, OR, if we let the rich keep more of their money and let them choose to either invest it or save it.

If we tax the rich, and the government redistributes it, it does not get invested by the rich. It does not go to research and development. It does not go towards expanding businesses. It does not go towards higher wages for employees. It does not go towards additional benefits. It goes to the government to be spent on what they see as fit.

Don't get me wrong. I am sure the national government has good intentions on how to use that money. But the middle class does not get any of it. It skips us.

If we don't get any of it, and it skips us to go directly to whatever plan the government has for it, then how are we going to pay the fines, fees, and taxes lumped on us by our local and state governments because they too are in a financial disaster? $200 per car registration in the state of Florida? Who would have thought?

How are we going to spend money on goods and services so this country climbs out of this damned recession if we don't have it to spend? How are we going to continue to support the current social programs if we, meaning the middle class, do not get to at least hold the money even if just for a little while?

It's Reaganomics v. Obamanomics. What do you believe?

I would honestly like to see the entire system overhauled. I think it is an inefficient and non cost productive way to provide for a nation's needy. How is it this great country can continue to slide south in the area of education? Could it be the system, with the current sociological set up of our inner cities, does not achieve the desired results?

What about feeding the poor? Our current system is not cost effective. There are better ways than food stamps and soup kitchens. Would it cost more to simply have the government make basic necessities FREE FOR ALL? Of course, it is not free. Taxpayers pay for everything.

How about the IRS and the current tax system? Is there not a more cost effective, more efficient way to collect and distribute tax revenue? There MUST be. What about a progressive national sales tax? Let the businesses collect it for the government, and cut out a large part of a very fat middle man.

I was at the car wash the other day. There was a police car in front of me. His wash cycle was taking a long time. He had purchased "the works" to clean his mean machine. "The works" cost 10 dollars. That is an average price for our area of Florida, and it took him about 15 minutes to complete it. Well, what if we paid a guy 15$ per hour to wash TWO police cars ever hour? I know it is probably not that easy, but it might be. Multiply that savings by a thousand counties, and multiply it again by 52 weeks, and that is quite a savings, and quite a large group of new employees.

I am sure there are brilliant people out there, in our public sector, that have many ideas. As long as saving money and creating jobs is the goal than how can it be wrong?

This election cycle, as your sitting there thinking about things, and as your mind turns to the state of things to come, concentrate on the issues. Concentrate on how each candidate plans to help make things better. Understand the how and why of what they want to accomplish.

It's easy to talk about who is a witch, and who called who a whore. Focusing on the important issues becomes almost impossible some times. Try. Really try.

Think about how you believe things work, and what overall strategies seem better than others, and then find the candidates in your area that think as you do. There may not be many.

Right now we need people collecting a paycheck. Just vote. Do it.

Norton out.

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